Etéd is placed 22 km north from Székelykeresztúr, laying in the valley of Küsmöd and Firtos springs. The township is composed of five villages (Etéd, Énlaka, Siklód, Kösmod and Körispatak), Etéd being the center of them. The first written inscription in which the village is named Eted dates from 1566, while the school appears in written documents from 1598. This name comes from the old Hungarian personal name: Ete. The village was famous for its weekly fairs. In 1910 there were 1614 Hungarian inhabitants in the village. After the Peace Treaty of Trianon, Etéd was joined to Udvarhely County, Székelykeresztúr Township. 

In the Middle Age the natives went to Küsmöd to church. In the times of Reformation they converted to this religion, and in 1624 they built their own church. The establishment was finalized in 1680. After a big fire, the church is rebuilt in 1802 in the shape you can see it in our days. The St. Mihály (Michael) Catholic Church was constructed in 1876, in the place of the burnt down small chapel. The tower was finished in 1889. 

  The legend says that the villages were built by the three sons of a Szekler, who gave them some land. Unfortunately the beauty of the story stays in the Hungarian idioms which can not be translated.
